How to Sell Your Frisco Home Fast

There are times when you decide to sell your Frisco house, and then there are situations in which you scurry to sell your home fast. Although real estate transactions do take time, there are a variety of things you can do to help expedite the process without leaving it all to chance. Here are some tips on how to sell your home fast.

Have a Pre-Appraisal Completed

Ordering an appraisal on your house before you list it empowers you as a seller. Although you cannot use the appraiser’s assessment in the sales process, and the house will have to be appraised again before the close of sale, there are reasons you would benefit by taking the initiative.

An initial appraisal could help you find ways to increase the value of your home by making small cosmetic upgrades. Because appraisers work in $500 increments, identifying small problems can save you big bucks. An early appraisal can also help you price your house to sell in the current market. Read More About Pre-Appraisals Here

Stage Inside and Outside

Staging is a term used to describe the process of making your house look polished and welcoming to guests. You can stage the home yourself or outsource the task to professional staging companies. Staging impacts the perceived value of the property to buyers. Your goal is for house-shoppers to see move-in-ready, not fixer-upper projects.

Curb appeal is a major player in how your house makes its first impression on people searching for a home, so start there. Clean up and manicure your yard and exterior features. Then, work your way through the structure’s interior. Remove personalized items such as photos of household members, de-clutter, and make sure everything is spic-and-span. Read More About Staging Here

Choose the Right Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents differ from one to the next. The real estate industry is not one-size-fits-all. Your real estate representative should specialize in the type of house you’re selling. For example, luxury homes or waterfront properties are not the same as traditional sales. The agent you choose should be familiar with your neighborhood and aware of its nuances and perks. Furthermore, your agent should be able to settle your nerves with a recent successful history in selling properties.

When interviewing agents, ask about their communication methods. Some real estate professionals quickly respond to messages while others can seem like they’re impossible to reach. During the interview process, gauge how well your personality meshes with that of the agent. You’ll be forming a short-term relationship with your real estate agent, so it’s imperative you feel comfortable and confident. Read More About Finding a Real Estate Agent Here

Price Your House Right

One of the worst things you can do as a home seller is to overprice your house when listing it to sell. When you overprice your property, some buyers will rule it out based on price alone. Other prospects may browse, but not put in an offer. Some may try to negotiate, but if you’re not willing to budge, negotiations may not convert to offers.

Additionally, when you set the price too high, you increase the chances of the house taking longer to sell, and experiencing price cuts along the way. Price cuts can also be a warning sign to buyers because it can make the seller look desperate.

Understand current market value, consider the information you obtained in your appraisal, and talk with your real estate agent to determine the best price to sell your home fast. Read More About Setting the Asking Price Here

Market Your Listing

If no one knows your house is for sale, it likely won’t sell quickly. Be proactive with marketing. There are numerous ways you and your real estate agent can market your home to get it in front of the eyes of qualified buyers.

Put a sign in your yard. Add the house to the classifieds in the paper. Post about it on social media. Showcase the property in an open house. Ask your real estate agent to notify qualified buyers from their database. Tell your friends, co-workers, and associates that you’re selling as they may be in the market or know someone who is. Read More About Marketing Your Home Here

Offer a Home Warranty

People shopping for pre-owned homes may be concerned about their investment. Even with an appraisal and inspection, there may be hidden problems lurking, waiting to add unexpected expenses to the new owners. And with some buyers pushing the limits of their budget, the idea of hefty repair costs may dissuade them from purchasing.

Home warranties range around $300 to $500 but can make the difference between your house selling quickly, or remaining on the market for extended periods of time. When you include a home warranty with the purchase of your house, you’re assuring the buyers that they won’t be stuck handling repairs on their own. Read More About Home a Home Warranty Here

Allow for Various Financing

Home mortgage loans come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. There are conventional bank loans, loans for military members backed by the Veteran’s Association, FHA loans supported by the government, and others. Some sellers are concerned with various types of financing, which may deter them from considering some offers.

Talk with your real estate agent about the different kinds of loans, and what risks they may present to you. Knowledge is power. When you understand the terms and conditions of loans provided or backed by particular agencies, you may find yourself opening up to the possibilities rather than closing off a particular type of financing. Read More About Financing Options for Sellers Here

Negotiate Offers

Offers on properties vary based on the buyer’s needs. Some offers come with contingencies, some at a lower value, as well as different timelines for closing. Be open to considering negotiations.

Your real estate agent cannot tell you which offers to accept or how you should respond, but they can and will offer you advice and guidance based on their professional experience.

There’s no doubt that you may feel stressed when selling your house, especially if you find yourself needing to sell in a pinch. However, there are things in which you can actively and aggressively partake that can increase the chances of your home selling on a tight timeline.

Have the property appraised so you know its market value and are aware of cosmetic upgrades that could increase your bottom dollar. Stage the house, so it’s appealing to folks on the house-hunt. Find the right agent with a proven track record to fit your needs. Don’t overprice the home. Be assertive with marketing, so buyers know your house is available. Consider including a home warranty to reassure future owners that you’re not selling them a lemon. Educate yourself about the various types of financing; they might not be as risky as you think. Carefully examine incoming offers, even if they’re different from what you expected. Read More About Negotiating Offers Here

Call Rene Burchell today at 469-877-3303 to tour available houses for sale in Frisco and surrounding areas.

How to Sell Your Frisco Home Fast
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How to Sell Your Frisco Home Fast
Looking for the best ways to sell your Frisco home fast? Learn about everything from staging to marketing in this comprehensive guide!
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Rene Burchell

Coldwell Banker Realty
3211 Internet Blvd. Ste. 150
Frisco , TX 75034

(469) 877-3303